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Software Developer for Instrument Applications en Barcelona


25.000 - €40.000
Lugar de trabajo
En sede
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Descripción de la oferta

You will join our software team in order to design, develop and implement front-end , communications and device control solutions for the instruments manufactured and marketed by our company, in the sectors of microbiological labs and veterinary instrumentation.

Experience and knowledge needed:

Front-end development in HTML5 and JavaScript
Communications development: TCP/IP, HTTP, REST
Development in Python
SQL, SQLite databases
Embedded Linux, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Quality-focused development (TDD, BDD...)

Skills and knowledge that will be a plus:

Image processing using OpenCV libraries
.NET framework, C#/VB development
C and C++ development
IT security (authentication, certificates, data encryption)
Languages: Fluent in technical English


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  • Healthcare

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