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Senior Machine Learning Engineer / Data Scientist en London


47.000 - €70.000
1.0 - 2.0%
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Descripción de la oferta

Mission / Responsibility:
- Prototype machine learning and computer vision algorithms that will be deployed to thousands of hospitals world-wide
- Play a key role in developing intelligent Big Data infrastructure that will turn thousands of Terabytes of unstructured medical data into new insights and novel biomarkers

Must-have skills:
- Creativity and a sharp quantitative mind, scientific curiosity and passion for biomedical topics.
- Strong knowledge of cutting-edge computer vision or machine learning (esp. Object Recognition, Natural Language Processing).
- Strong programming ability (Python, C++ or similar).
- Flexibility to feel at home in a technology start-up with a small team of scientists, analysts and testers

Should-have skills:
- Strong PhD in machine learning, computer vision or medical imaging/informatics from a world-leading research group.
- Experience with weakly supervised and unsupervised learning approaches
- Experience with analyzing medical image and/or electronic patient record data.
- Strong familiarity with open-source scientific programming libraries (e.g. Boost, NumPy, SciPy).
- Strong familiarity with open-source deep learning (e.g. TensorFlow, CNTK, Caffe, Theano), GP-GPU (e.g. CUDA) and/or big data frameworks (e.g. Hadoop, Spark)
- Previous collaborative software development experience (in industry, startup environment or open-source projects).


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  • Healthcare

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