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Lead developer/CTO en Amsterdam


40.000 - €55.000
0.0 - 5.0%
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Descripción de la oferta

Are you interested in working as a CTO/lead developer for a company ambitious and confident enough to aim for total disruption of a conservative market? We are a fast-growing award winning tech startup and we are looking for a motivated full stack developer to strengthen our team!

With Ligo we make it possible for any SME to have access to affordable high quality business services. At Ligo, an entrepreneur can manage the incorporation of his company, create any legal document, have free phone consults with lawyers, open a bank account, manage insurances and accountancy. All that, without paying sky high fees. With a combination of a self-service and marketplace platform we are changing this conservative market completely. Our technology makes it fast, easy and affordable to manage all these jobs to be done for every entrepreneur with an all you can eat membership (B2B subscription model).

What will you be doing at Ligo?
Do you want to have an impact on the legal market? As CTO you will be able to break open the current conservative legal market! Join our team if you are a hands-on enthusiastic developer, you love Test-Driven Development and you put value in creating a high quality project. We are growing like crazy and we like to put experiments online as quick as possible, to see quickly if we are on the right track.

You will have the amazing opportunity to assembly your own team right away, as we are also looking for a junior/medior developer and a UX designer to join. Besides having the leadership role techwise you will teamup with our CEO, growth hacker and sales manager to decide which path to take for the future of Ligo. You will be joining an enthusiastic, young and hardworking team with a clear vision and mission. Do you have the ambition to grow the company to a huge scale? You can do that at Ligo! We put value in personal growth and we will stimulate that in multiple ways.

Tech details
The stack of Ligo is composed of:
• Ruby on Rails
• RSpec
• Postgres-Database
• Custom Coffeescript en Javascript componenten
• Bundler
• Grunt
• Bower
• Sass

Our code coverage is 96%. We always design before we start building. Before we start developing, we write a feature test and develop new software on the basis of that. Because of the fact that we have run so many automatic tests, we have good control over what we do and change. Without any stress we oftentimes deploy to production. Besides this we are almost switching to Docker. Our hosting-environment is completely ready for this.

What we offer you:
• A key position in an young, fun and driven team.
• Build your on dev team right away
• Possibility to build a leading B2B platform that will dominate an entire industry.
• Opportunity to get a lot of experience in a short period of time with a scale-up.
• Competitive salary
• Outlook on the acquisition of shares
• The opportunity to work at B. Amsterdam, the biggest startup eco-system of the EU with a bar, gym, table tennis etc.

Interested? Send an e-mail to with your CV and motivation. We would appreciate you sending us a link to your Github-profile and earlier projects. For further questions you can contact Wendy Bogers at 020-3031043. We are looking forward to your application!

The Ligo team


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