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Lead Developer en Amsterdam


10.0 - 15.0%
Lugar de trabajo
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Descripción de la oferta

Change the world is not easy, but if you change people's mentality, it's not out of our hands...That's what we want to achieve!!

We see a future where anyone might work from home or while traveling, earning a decent amount of money, having flexibility and enjoying doing what they love.

Ravinal will be that platform, a digital workplace for ANY kind of freelancer or self-employed workers. A platform which will offer security for both freelancers and users, a platform where they'll be able to interact with one another, a platform where freelancers will be able to grow professionally as well as offer users a pool of top talent, a platform where moderation will be available

Job Description

We're looking for a co-founder and lead developer for our exciting but difficult Start-up project, Ravinal.


Acerca de Ravinal

  • Recruiting

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