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CTO co-founder / Lead full-stack developer with an AI curiosity en Paris


15.0 - 20.0%
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Descripción de la oferta

We are seeking a developer to be our new CTO co-founder and join Bricks project.

*** What is Bricks

The problem we want to solve is the inefficient process of collaboration in the multi-billion AEC (architecture-engineering-construction) market and specifically in architecture design.

Bricks want to revolutionize collaboration on the architecture projects :

* by empowering teams with agile methods, * by providing a simple and powerful project management tool
* With the power of artificial intelligence to suggest architecture solutions smartly and save time massively.

In a similar way, github is the collaboration tool for developers, Bricks aims to be the collaborative tool for architecture.

*** Who we are

We are 2 French co-founders.

Sébastien has been working on bricks projects and other related projects ( since 2013. He is architect and senior web developer.
He is Bricks CEO and currently CTO waiting you join us!

Francois Muzard joined the project in 2015
He is architect and Bim manager, passionate about online collaboration tools and frustrated architecture move so slowly! He is our bricks COO.

We collaborate with a remote team of developers and web editors.

*** Bricks technical architecture

Bricks is based on the backend on node.js with a micro-service architecture based on Seneca with a mongodb database.

In the frontend, Bricks is built on angular 5, sass, pug and different css frameworks (semantic UI, material…).

Your role will be to progressively lead the development process, lead the other developers, manage the servers, start from scratch the IA Architecture.

We are currently :
* one senior full-stack developer with an expertise on angular (Sebastien Lucas current CEO + CTO)
* 2 developers at part-time

More people can join the technical team when we get more fundings in the following months.

We are based in Paris but our tools (slack, trello, github) allow us to work globally as a distributed company.

So we are open to a worldwide submission with English as main communication language.

You should be good at the technologies we use and especially :

- js
- angular
- node.js
- Mongodb
- elastic search
- ubuntu server, docker...
- Seneca and micro services
- ia, chat bots …. experience
Of course you can learn by doing especially in AI.

You should be :
- interested in the thematics of architecture design collaboration or collaboration in general
- able to communicate what you do especially when working distantly
- able to follow other developers and lead a development project
- used to startup agile development
- learn rapidly and be able to follow the plan
- plan your work ahead and segment tasks
- be curious and friendly

Please discuss with us to know more about the project and to ask us any question you may have.


Acerca de Bricks

  • Saa S

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