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Backend Developer en Paris


40.000 - €60.000
Lugar de trabajo
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Descripción de la oferta

Trakx is building a one-stop shop for Crypto Trackers. Crypto Trackers, also called Coin Traded Indices (CTIs), are ERC20 asset-backed financial derivatives replicating the performance of crypto underlings. We will progressively release a full range of CTIs, including long, basket, inverse and stablecoins.


We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced developer to join our early-stage Crypto startup as a back-end developer. You will lead on the Blockchain development of our Coin Traded Indices, working alongside our CTO, founding team, and a development studio.

In the early stages, you will lead on Technical R&D. You will be responsible for delivering the technical completion of the CTI smart-contract development. Each CTI will have automatised rebalancing, issuance and redemption through smart-contracts.

We ideally would like to bring on board someone who has recently worked in a Fintech/Blockchain startup, with experience in both solidity and a good understanding/interest in complex financial products.


Compensation will be equity + token based at the beginning and will lead to a competitive salary after our first fundraising.


Can be remote, we will have a preference for Europe based candidates.


Acerca de Trakx

  • Blockchain

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