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Frontend Developer en Amsterdam o en remoto


0.0 - 2.0%
Lugar de trabajo
En remoto
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Descripción de la oferta

The position offers the chance to be part of celluable at a time where we are launching and where the coming week or month is always somewhat unpredictable. If you manage to prove your talents we would like to offer you a permanent position.

What We're Building

The Hair Scan Analysis presents your hair scans results clearly and concisely. You will immediately see which areas you should focus your attention on to achieve well-being. The cells of each hair follicle are connected to the nervous system and the circulatory system. They can provide unique information about your body, state of mind and emotions through their lack or abundance of certain vitamins, amino acids, proteins and other essential body building blocks.
With the personal and specific analysis we can support all that is needed for measurable results in improving our health and wellness. In the light starter version we offer a 3 month valid analyses with basic supplement support and a result analyses after 90 days.


Acerca de Celluable

  • Healthcare

Celluable la página de empresa está vacía
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