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Blockchain and Bureaucrat expert in Madrid

Gobierno de España

35,000 - €65,000
0.0 - 3.0%
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Job Description

Who we are

As the new year approaches the spanish governement shows its commitment to innovation. The department of Cience and Innovation has decided to create Spacoin, a crytpocurrency (yeah, you guessed right, luminary!) that is posed to disrupt our own government.

The disruption will bring some good things though, money to the tax payers and a period of unprecedented bonanza to all spaniards, a period never seen before since 1929, the good ol' times.

What do we want from you

We are a team of experts, the A team of cryptocurrencers that are transforming the way people think about what's possible in life...yeah, we know, the team doesn't exist yet but we are, promise! the idea is that you bring your expertise in the field of electromagnetics, rocket science, Blockchain, and also about Big Data, which we know it's out of date but heck, we gotta to ask for something, right?

In terms of intangibles we'll need you to bring your own PC, good sense of humor, a big acceptance of humiiation, and if you are a woman please don't get pregnant and don't mess with our male identities, our workplace is very sensitive to sensitive issues.

How is that going to play out

Only selected CVs fullfilling the above requirements will go to phase two, which is a face to face interview with our Product Owner Mariano Rajoy and our Tech Lead Fátima Báez. If you can answer 1 in 10 of their questions you'll be good to go to start immediately building the Spacoin.


A job for life, even when the project finishes, because congratulations! you are now an official of the spanish administration, meaning you can not possibly be fired. Not even if you are the Father of All Slackers.

Starting Date

28 december

For more information please check the news here

  • Fintech

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