Esta oferta ya no está disponible

Programador/Web Developer en Barcelona


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Descripción de la oferta

We are new startup called TempEmp, looking for a co-founder experienced in IT -web, frontend, backend, Wordpress, designing etc

The Company

TempEmp is on-demand talent marketplace for passionate people who share their skills and talents with those who are in need. It is a just-in-time bridge offering suitable short-term tasks and job opportunities for the Right People at the Right Place. TempEmp is devoted to build a truthful knot to reinforce a steadfast loyalty with our customers and partners.

Your personnel request will be fulfilled within hours


Acerca de TempEmp

  • Recruiting

TempEmp la página de empresa está vacía
Añade descripción e imágenes para atraer más candiadatos y aumentar el Employer Branding.

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