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CoFounder en Madrid


20.0 - 50.0%
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Descripción de la oferta

Looking for partners to build the future of immersive food experiences in rural areas¡ Join to "" / "" to make it real¡

We wish for candidates with knowledge in one of these fields:
- Marketing Online
- Web Developer
- Web programmer
- App developer

Essential requirement:
- Passion
- Actitude

"" / "" aims to transform how we perceive and taste the local cuisine. Our website and App will connect traditional food lovers to hosts spreaded all over the country to immersive food experiences in rural areas where the magic of the traditional and pure home-made food occurs.

Do you remember going to your grandmother´s place? Do you remember that stew she used to prepare for you? Of course this is an experience that anyone will never forget. In "" / "" would like to create again this incredible moment.

After easily booking one of the "" / "" experiences throughout internet or App, customers will be able to enjoy not only the essence of the local cuisine but also the history of that plate in the house of the host¡¡ And also know how to make it¡

We are currently in a process of searching for hosts to launch a fully operative website in the next few months, with varied offers and geographically diversified. However, we lack of financing to reach the full potential of this amazing project and revolutionize the future of immersive food experiences.

Feel free to write us to ask for more information about the project status and we will kindly write you back as soon as we can to give you more details.

Acerca de Conamordemadre

  • Ecommerce

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